About Flatline Motorsports
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About Flatline
We started this team about 3 months ago but we have all been friends for a while. We started this team to show off our cars and to show people that flatline is not a stupid team name and that we have the balls to back up our talk.

The history of Flatline
We have all loved to race since we where knee high. I have been driving a car since I have been 8 years old. Jason has raced go-karts on a track circuit and james and tony get their skills from me and jason. We all get together and have fun with our cars and sometimes we do stupid stuff but hey we are teens so let us be.

Car standings
As of now the fastest car on the team is Montona's Prelude but Guppy's Avenger is right on his but on times. They have never raced each other but I think Tony will win in the pre. I will post the times of our cars when we go to GLD and run this year.

Created By Breckler - Cichacki Incorporated